
Showing posts from September, 2017

Timing and spacing in animation

This exercise showed us the difference between smooth movements and movements that ease in and out. This ball moves evenly This one starts and ends slowly, but speeds up in the middle This swing moves evenly along an arc This one eases in and out like before along it's arc This one moves in a straight line. This isn't right because things swing in an arc, and this one does not. When organic things move, their movements are usually a series of different arcs. 

Life drawing- Week 1 and 2

WEEK 1-  So in week 1 I found it hard to get drawings done so I was advised to capture the shapes rather than the fine details. So yeah, I did stick figures... WEEK 2- In week 2 I tried to be more confident in my drawing, I did a couple stick figures but only because we had a couple minutes to do them. Also I used charcoal and chalk for one of my drawings, which I liked using and will be bringing some chalk in for next time.

I made a thing in Maya

I made this thing

Invisible Cities: Looking at the material (TEXT WALL WARNING!!11!)

So I have spent my day looking through the book extracts for the invisible cities. The way I have chosen to do this is simply print out the text extracts and read through them, highlighting any words or phrases that contain information that can be used to build a picture.  For example the city of Isaura is put into the "Thin Cities" group, telling me that it should be represented as a thin city. It also describes an underground lake that the inhabitants of the city dig wells to in order to get their supply of water, and also says that the city is known as the "City of a thousand wells". In my mind I picture an oasis, a green island in a sea of sand, only the pools of water normally pictured are replaced with large wells. It is also said that there are two forms of religion in this city, one worshipping the underground lake and the other believing that the gods live in the means of extracting the water from the lake. To me, two religions suggests two cultures, two w...
A small selection of my favourites Terry Entacles Drone? Very blury image of some goggles Not even I know what I was thinking here. Secret agent dude and some spy lady? Also these might be a new race of stumpy people I created. They have small arms and legs. I pity them Some instrument, I imagine it sounds like the Kazoo   Scissor blade helicopter  Some light beam weapon, I was thinking it was kinda steampunky. And a light bulb spaceship based on 'Faster than Light Travel' or rather Light speed travel, because its not faster than light because its light. Some abominations. Enough said. Shoe shuttle launching platform. I thought it was a good idea...
Mfw I forget to upload my summer work..