
Showing posts from January, 2018

Rope, A review

Image Rope is a film by Alfred Hitchcock that takes place after two men murder one of their friends, trying to commit the 'Perfect Murder'. They hide the body in a chest containing books. They also host a dinner party, in which they invite another friend, the murdered person's parents (although the mother doesn't attend and his aunt comes in her place), and the two's old housemaster, the one who inspired them to commit the murder in the first place. There are multiple points at which the chest could be opens, but they are always interrupted. The films ends with the house master holding the two at gun point, sitting in a chair next to the chest/body. In this film Hitchcock is creating suspense, using what is called "The Bomb under the Table" Theory. He says " There is a distinct difference between "suspense" and "surprise," and yet many pictures continually confuse the two...

Psycho, A review

Psycho is a Alfred Hitchcock film made in 1960. The story is about a woman who steals $40 Thousand from her boss and goes on the run and ends up in the Bates Motel, where she is promptly murdered by the real story begins. Her murderer, Norman Bates, runs the hotel along with his mother, although he killed his mother years ago and has developed a sort of second personality of her to fill the void left. More people turn up looking for the woman, including a Private Investigator, her sister and her boyfriend. Bates kills the PI and the sister and the boyfriend eventually find out the truth,finding the decaying remains of Mrs Bates, subdue Bates and call the police. It is revealed that the personality of Mrs Bates was the one doing the killing, and Norman was cleaning up after her. And also the personality of Mrs Bates had completely taken over Norman. Image 1 Overall it was a good film, firstly it do...

OGR "Script to Screen"

OGR 1 S2S by Ollie Thacker on Scribd

The sound of Dragons


Pre Vis 1

Dolly                                    Distance & Tracking Close Distance & Tracking Middle  Crane Shot                             Distance & Tracking Far (Had to drop the quality to get it to upload, will look at vimeo or youtube for future uploads)

A Figure Skater walks into a Zoo with a Briefcase containing these images..

So for the Soundscape project I have been given these images: Also for the other project I have been given A Figure Skater, A Zoo and A Briefcase and been tasked with making a 2 minute story using all three in some way. My first thought is to make it some kind of spy film, maybe a figure skater who is a Russian sleeper agent who stole a briefcase and escapes through a zoo. Also I think of making the figure skater a cyborg, robot legs with ice skates that come out of their feet. Who knows what will come out of my brain.