
Showing posts from October, 2017

Contextual Studies Essay Presentation

Essay Idea by Ollie Thacker on Scribd The reason behind choosing the Power Rangers is because every series they add in new Rangers or new Zords(The robots that come together to form the Megazord, or giant robot), such as in slide 2 where I have pictures of the Rangers of the series and the toy range of their zords. In this series they started with 3 Rangers, Red, Blue, Yellow, and then added the Black and White Rangers(as shown by image on the left) as the series progressed. Also the amount of Zords they had increased (see image on the right, also it's missing the Black Ranger's Zord) as the story progressed, which meant that they could swap out different parts of their Megazord. At the start of the series there were only 3 Zords, T Rex, Triceratops and Pterodactyl, and the others were added later though episodes where they would fight and then capture it or they knew about it all along and called it out as some kind of deus ex machina in order to defeat the enemy of the ...

Influence Maps

Influence Maps by Ollie Thacker on Scribd

Digital Painting exercises

Perspective by Ollie Thacker on Scribd

Who's Who.. Chris Metzen

Metzen by Ollie Thacker on Scribd

King Kong, a Review

King Kong is one of those things that really are a product of the time on which they were made. Parts of the film, such as the presentation of the people of Skull Island as pretty much savages and the use of the only female character as someone who needs rescuing and screams too much, make this film kind of difficult to watch over 80 years later. However, when watching the film the whole room was laughing at just how ridiculous some of the scenes were, especially whenever King Kong was on the screen because while the animation was groundbreaking in the day, it just looks funny today. [1] For example, look at GIF [1]. I can't help but laugh at it. The way it has put together, to me, appears as if it was trying to appear scary, backed up by the woman screaming. This may have been the case in the 30's when this film came out, however it just looks (for lack of a better word) goofy. And look at GIF [2], it looks as if it is a scary scene or a scene that is supposed to sugge...

Balls with secondary animation

This time we were making balls that bounce, like last time, but with secondary animation this time. Secondary animation is stuff like tails and things that will go along with the primary animation, in this case the ball bouncing. Like before the balls travel along an arc, slowing down and bouncing less with every bounce.


This shows how different sized balls and different weights fall and interact with surfaces such as the ground. The bowling ball, the biggest and heaviest, falls and bounces a little because it's not light enough to be able to use the energy in order to bounce higher or bounce multiple times. The tennis ball also encounters this problem as it is not light enough to make as many bounces as the ping pong ball This shows how a ball will bounce along a surface, slowing and bouncing less as it moves along. It might be difficult to see here but the ball travels in an arc, bounces and then travels along a smaller arc, repeating until it runs out of energy and rolling the rest of the way.

Chosen City

 I have settled on the city of Armilla as the city I will continue to do work on. This is because I feel that I have more interesting ideas for this city, both technically and visually challenging ideas that should result in good pieces of work. "Whether Armilla is like this because it is unfinished or because it has been demolished, whether the cause is some enchantment or only a whim, I do not know. The fact remains that it has no walls, no ceilings, no floors: it has nothing that makes it seem a city except the water pipes that rise vertically where the houses should be and spread out horizontally where the floors should be: a forest of pipes that end in taps, showers, spouts, overflows. Against the sky a lavabo's white stands out, or a bathtub, or some other porcelain, like late fruit still hanging from the boughs. You would think that the plumbers had finished their job and gone away before the bricklayers arrived; or else their hydraulic systems, indestructible, had su...

