Premise Script v1 by Ollie Thacker on Scribd This is the first iteration of the story for my premise project. At first I thought I would do a story based on making gold, as that was the action my character was doing in my Character Design project. However I thought a pilot episode where the character makes his sidekick character. I'm also considering writing the gold making episode as an additional episode. The reason why is because I'd like to do my project as a pitch in order to get this show made into a real tv show. I definitely know there are some things that need changing, especially since this is the first draft of this script. Also I'm hoping that the writing of the script will help me come up with a name for the show, something which I am struggling with at the moment.
OGR 01/11/2017
ReplyDeleteHey Oliver,
Okay - my first bit advice here would be.... avoid actual animals! Obviously Kuhn creates her cat pieces, but remember you're being asked to imagine how this artist might approach the design of a built environment, which is a different idea than picking at these 'ready-made' motifs. What we know about this artist is that her muse is organic forms - vegetale mostly - and that she favours a sort of 'layering up' and repetition factor - the way a colony of mushrooms or coral or spores might build one beside/on top of the other. Your very first thumbnails shown here seem to be exploring this idea successfully, whereas some of the others appear to be illustrating a story or dealing only with the idea of trees or location. You also appear to be more preoccupied with character or the inhabitants than the built environment and again, I'd urge you to think about the likely outcome of a 'digital set' project, which will be about 'things' and not characters - and especially not cats ;)
So - you've identified already that Kuhn would likely create a city with a strong relationship to the natural world as per the preoccupation with nature in her work. I'm going to suggest you look now at the nuts and bolts of her ceramics (how she builds them up) and take on that approach in terms of thumbnailing by which to create more architectural and structural elements using the methodology of your artist - which I'd suggest relates to thinking about modular approaches of construction:
You should also look at equivalents in the natural world for some architectural inspiration:
I think the idea of colonies and 'colonisation' might be worth thinking about in terms of conceptualising your city a bit more - that sense of a space building up over time, and small things coming together to create bigger things.
Just in terms of thumbnail, can I suggest you seek to emulate Kuhn's technique - extract a simple form from a real world reference (a pod, or mushroom, or seed, or polyp...) and then work with it digitally to create layered 'collages' - so you build up thumbnails by assembling simple modular components into more complex forms. In this way I think you'll start to generate more original and unexpected results, while also walking in the shoes of your collaborator a little more. I think you could be having more fun and getting better results by leaving your pencil well alone - and those cats!