Reflective statement- Fantastic Voyage

Going into this project I was excited. As someone who enjoyed science at school, I was looking forward to making an animation on something I enjoyed. However, the choice of scenarios wasn't what I was hoping. I would have liked there to have been some Physics or Chemistry based scenarios.
When it came to ideas I feel that I managed to come up with a range of different ones that could have all been developed into some interesting animations. My main worry at this time was getting together an idea that was impressive but also doable in the time frame available. Since I, along with others, am new to Maya I didn't want to have a big and flashy thing planned that would be out of my skill range and take longer than I had to complete. So what I decided to do was to make my animation look simpler by looking at videos like Dumb Ways to Die and a lot of 80's cartoons and using them to create something simpler but something that still looks good.
During the Pitch I was told that one of my characters based on the chloroplast needed to be bigger as chloroplasts are bigger than water and co2 molecules. We came up with the idea of turning this character into a place, like Tracy Island or Castle Greyskull. I believe someone said something along the lines of "make it like an action figure set".
Taking on this change didn't change my story that much, all I needed to do was take out the character and add in a scene with the island. They also said something about hinting to the layout of the plant cell and so I designed it in a way that from above you can make out a few different parts if the cell.
One of the mistakes I made was doing the voice acting myself. At the time I thought it would be easier to do it this way as if I needed to change my script or anything, I could do it quickly. However my voice acting was okay at best and I really should have found a voice actor that can do the whole 'Trailer Voice' thing. This is something I will be doing in the next project if I need voice acting.

Overall I think I had fun on the project, even if it was difficult and stressed me out at times. It was an important project and I have learnt much in Maya and the other supporting Adobe programs and I look forward to what next year holds.


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