Premise- Physically modelled charterer
So, last Friday Alan suggested that I should model my characters out of Plasticine rather than sit drawing them. At first I was a bit sceptical that this could work, but now I think it was a good exercise for making sure your character looks right in 3D.
These first couple of models were made at uni on that Friday. The only tools i had for sculpting were my hands so I was unable to sculpt with much detail. Also, I think I was modelling to what I had drawn too much rather than making it look sort of realistic and human.
This was one I made at home on the next day after work. I had access to my sculpting tools and I decided to model my other character. I haven't spent as much time drawing her as I have done with my other character, and it felt like I was trying to model a person rather than a drawing.
Also, the hair on this character, while it looked okay in drawing form, didn't look right in 3D. I want the character to have shorter hair, as in my experience when people get old they loose their hair. For men it falls out and they go bald, and for women they seem to have it cut shorter and shorter, so I wanted to capture that look. However it just didn't look right, so I decided to change it.
In the morning I decided that the forehead needs to be more visible and the hair needs changing. I decided to go for a more Doc Brown/ Rick from Rick and Morty style of mad scientist hair and I tried to make it look more feminine, which I think I have (although I have spent a lot of time looking at it so another person's opinion would be great on it). This, in my opinion, looks like a character that you could see in a animated tv show, although it may need some changes.
I also decided to do a drawing based on the model I did, as I was toying with the idea of the character having dyed hair or hair that's been exposed to numerous chemicals and potions over the years that it went a different colour. Also I wanted some of the white/grey in there too because she is meant to be an old character.
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