Major- More props
In the books, the twenty fourth voyage, Tichy comes across a race of people that have been turned into disks by a machine intelligence that was given control of the planet and told to make life better for them. It did this by constructing a grand and opulent citadel to lure in the citizens to convert them. The machine now spends it's time arranging these disks across the landscape. I initially thought of the Phantom zone from Superman, a prison in which Superman sends his most evil foes. The way it is presented on screen in Superman II is as a square space in which the prisoner(s) are trapped. I thought I'd apply the same idea here, that the citizens have been imprisoned in this form.
I settled on the idea of having the citizen trapped within the disk that Tichy took (in my mind, the character takes souvenirs from his adventures), as well as all other disks, are trying to escape. I thought having a hand or even a head come out of this disk would look pretty interesting. I used everyone's favorite Moom to quickly form the image I wanted in Maya before adding some detail.
The Chronocycle is a device featured in the Twentieth Voyage used to travel through time. A future version of Tichy comes back and tasks present Tichy (the one writing the diary entry) to make changes to human history to make it develop faster. An image is drawn in the book, in which it is shown to be a broom, kind of like the brooms in Harry Potter. Although this is how the author has pictured it, I would imagine it to be more technological. I think I will move forward with a combo of 3 and 4, I like the idea of having those big motorbike handlebars (I think they're called Gorilla bars or something) with the round parts of 4 used to make the Chronocycle hover.
In another of Tichy's voyages, he is asked to investigate a crashed spaceship that contained a computer that went crazy and founded a society of robots. These robots hate organics and will kill them on sight, so Tichy is disguised as a robot and sent to the planet to find out what's happening. Eventually it is discovered that all the robots are humans thinking they have to hide from everyone else or they'd be killed. There was a drawing of a robot in the book and it looked rather interesting so I decided to use it as a base. 2,5 and 7 are favorites of mine, I'm leaning towards 5 at the moment.
In multiple chapters, Tichy is said to collect samples and specimens on his travels. I figured he would have a couple cabernites full of weird and wonderful parts and creatures in what I'm calling his Treasure Room. He is also said to have a large collection of meteorites.
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