Premise Script v1 by Ollie Thacker on Scribd This is the first iteration of the story for my premise project. At first I thought I would do a story based on making gold, as that was the action my character was doing in my Character Design project. However I thought a pilot episode where the character makes his sidekick character. I'm also considering writing the gold making episode as an additional episode. The reason why is because I'd like to do my project as a pitch in order to get this show made into a real tv show. I definitely know there are some things that need changing, especially since this is the first draft of this script. Also I'm hoping that the writing of the script will help me come up with a name for the show, something which I am struggling with at the moment.
Hey Ollie - as is increasingly characteristic of you, lots of invention here... my advice is that you need to 'tidy up' your shapes - at the moment, there's a complexity and asymmetry that will struggle to translate appealingly in terms of character design for 3D - can I suggest you use the custom shapes tool in Photoshop (for example) and then use the 'Transform' tools to manipulate the shapes, as these tools ensure the lines/curves etc are pure and strong and unbroken, which will give you a cleaner foundation for accessorising. For example, if you were to use the 'ellipse/oval' shape tool in Photoshop - so start with a basic egg-shape - and then use the transform tool to create variations of the shape - you'll soon generate a whole bunch of new iterations that will have strong, clean silhouettes... have a go.