Postmodernism terms (and some questions about postmodernism)

Postmodern: Something that comes after modern. Can be used to describe the state of society we currently live in

High Modernism: A form of modernity, confident in technology and science as a means of reordering the social and natural world

Capitalist: A system where trade and industry are privately owned, rather than being owned by the state (i.e communism)

Superabundance: a surplus of something, i.e food

Disconnected: Not having a connection to something, i.e reality

Pop: or Popular. Something that is liked by a group or all

Fragmentary: Consists of small disconnected or incomplete parts

Eclectic: Where you derive ideas, style or taste from a diverse range of sources

Nostalgia: The feeling of sentimentality to a time in the past, typically a happy moment 

Simulacra: A representation of someone or something 

Superficiality: Lack of thoroughness or serious thought 

Flippant: Lack of respectful or serious attitude 

Depthless: Something so deep it cannot be measured

Fabulation: .Novels that in the style of magical realism and do not follow the traditional sense of realism

Pastiche: Imitating a style of an artist or work 

Bricolage: something constructed or created from a diverse range of sources 

Aleatory: depending on the throw of a dice or on chance; random

Also I have a couple questions, What comes after postmodernism? Is postmodernism the final way of critiquing society and culture or will something else come along with a new way?


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