The Infernal Machine- Like the Greek Myth of Sisyphus (the guy who is forced to push a boulder up a mountain only for it to fall down just as he reaches the top), this idea would focus on the alchemist having to try and make gold, but the machine he is forced to use just spits out what he put in (perhaps the machine reshapes whats he puts in before spitting it out) or the machine takes apart any mixture he puts in and returns it to its base compounds. It would be a never ending cycle of trying to make gold only to be brought back to square one in a sense. Eventually the machine would break or the alchemist would go into the machine only to find it doesn't make gold but is just designed to torture or torment him. Finding out the machine is a joke, he destroys it, freeing himself in a sense, and escaping with whatever gold he actually made.

Children's TV show- This would be a sort of 'Monster of the Week' style show like a show called 'Trap Door'. The premise for this show would be 'What could go wrong while making gold?'. What would happen is the alchemist would have done some experiments off screen and discarded what came out down a rubbish chute, or he has a cupboard or even a room full of various discarded experiments, that come to life and break into his lab to cause chaos. On top of this, the alchemist's boss is always barking orders to the alchemist, telling him to make things for him. The boss is never seen and instead is only heard, his loud booming voice filling the building. I was also thinking of having the setting be a castle, like in 'Trap Door' as it seems like a good place to put an alchemist and it fits the time period I designed my character originally. This place will need to be big enough to house a version of the machine (perhaps instead of a cupboard of discarded experiments, the machine spits out monsters and all manor of creatures depending on what it put through it). For this idea, I imagine I will need to create a proof of concept so that in theory this could be shown to a TV company as a pitch for them to make my show. I will need to create all the things needed to put the show together, such as characters, title credits, sets, script(s) as well as anything else required.

The Machine from my Character Design Project |
Hi Ollie - Add images to your posts. Firstly it looks 'boring' without images, secondly it doesn't stand out in the blogger feed, and thirdly if you're talking about something, show it (eg trap door).