Minor Project- Kids show to Comment on School/University and Academia
So after talking to Alan, my idea has changed slightly. This is due to the ending of my story not making too much sense.
So the story is now about Simon being set some simple homework while Mary is out doing some things in the nearby town. Simon, not understanding the books, brings them and the other books in the library to life in an attempt to help him. The books, at first helpful, begin to argue with each other, debating magical theory and whatever Simon's homework is on. Simon listening to the books, starts to do his homework, before being interrupted by another book, telling him to write something else. Simon ends up crossing out and rewriting his work several times, while more books join in the debate. In contrast to this, Mary is out shopping in a much more calm and peaceful environment. In the end, Mary returns to the classroom, Simon exits the library, his book ruined after tearing out pages and crossing words out, steam coming out of his ears. The books end up following him, still arguing, but Mary turns them back into non talking books. Mary, understanding what Simon had done by seeing the state he's in, explains that those academics can't agree with each other because they all want to be right. She also says that all the information was already on the board and there was no need to go searching the library. It ends with Simon actually sitting down and doing his work.
List of events in the story:
- Mary sets Simon some work to do while she's out
- Simon starts doing it, reading through the books on his desk
- After a while, Simon realises he doesn't get it, heading into the library to find something to help
- Simon stumbles on a book about bringing inanimate objects to life, he takes it and runs out the library
- Simon makes the potion to bring the books to life, looking up the recipe on his amulet
- He takes the potion into the library, tripping over a book and dropping the potion
- Because of this all the books in the library start to come to life
- At first they are helpful, but start to argue with each other
- Simon crosses out and rewrites his work many times
- While this is happening , Mary is out at the shops, having a much calmer time
- Simon starts tearing pages out of his book, struggling to keep up with the books
- Mary comes home, hearing the arguments in the library
- Simon comes out of the library, clearly stressed out, followed by the books still arguing
- Mary zaps them with magic and turns them into normal books again
- Mary makes the point about academics never agreeing because they all want to be right and that's why they were arguing, plus they use overly complected and long word for things that could be said in 3 or 4 words
- Mary then sits Simon back down, and sets him to do his homework
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