Major- Room and prop sketches/ quick thumbnails
I spent a couple hours trying to get down ideas for the main thing that will be in the engine room, the atomic reactor (that is what it is referred to in the book). From my understanding, atomic, or nuclear, energy is made using radioactive material to heat water, turning it into steam and using that steam to spin a turbine. I tried to have that in mind when thinking up these ideas, but for some I went for a more unrealistic approach that would look cooler on screen.
The final one of these, number 11, I had in mind a giant wheel that would cycle the fuel rods when they run out of radioactive stuff. It would slide them out on rails and then rotate to the next, kind of like how a revolver pistol would work.
Number 5 is also a favorite, I had in mind a battery when I drew it and thought maybe the ship is powered by a number of atomic batteries.
I have also sketched out the bedroom and kitchen. My idea for all of the rooms of the ship is to have them look as if the owner had brought in a team of interior designers to retrofit the ship to make it feel like more of a home. My reasoning behind this is the language used in the book makes the ship feel like a house in space. However I still want it too have those hints of it being a spaceship in there, such as pipes, wires and control panels throughout the rooms. There is also mention of a fireplace in the character's room, I thought it might be a good idea to make it one of those screens play a video of a fireplace, or one of those lamps that blow air across some scraps of fabric and lit by a orange light to give the illusion of fire.
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